The Free Event and Encore Have Now Ended. Watch Available Summit Sessions by Clicking Below.
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Summit Preview Video:
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1
The Science & Wisdom of Emotions Summit Has Come to a Close
You can Still Watch the Opening and Closing Keynote Sessions Below!
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I cant connet since I didnt receive any mail with joining link details, please do!
Try using this link:
Is there a zoom # to get in via zoom?
May I please have the link details to join the session starting in about one hour please.
can not log in without a link
So grateful for this summit! Philippa Rowland, on Peremangk-Kaurna land, Adelaide Hillsface, South Australia
I cannot connect either but I am sure in a few minutes…
Unable to join direct link to the summit as the email came in late. Like now, I am waiting for the direct sending but no invitation?
I cannot figure out how to connect…no zoom info??
I registered but now what? I was going to join at 7 pm
Can not find a link for tonight’s talk, Sunday 7pm east time. Disappointing recordings are not free as advertised in initial email requiring you to only register. 😔
No link sent to me either
From CT . I hope to amazing experience for this Teaching.
Hi! Gratitude for this wonderful program. However, I didn’t receive the link to join the lives, only the recordings. Please, tell how to connect to watch the open talk that would be now. Thank you so much from Brazil
Thank you so very much in advance for this wonderful opportunity to hear all the fantastic teachings you have lined up for us all over the world.
Such a blessing,
Eugene Oregon USA
Very happy to be her. Than you very much for making this avaiable !!! Greetings from Brazil;
You can access all sessions and the live talk from the homepage.
Anne’s response is priceless – referring with a link to the exact page we are at right now. ^^
Greetings from Virginia…Seeking solutions to family challenges…peace and healing
Felicitaciones y agradecida por tan importante evento. Saludos desde Buenos Aires
Greetings from the traditional home of the Haudenosaunee (Ho-deh-no-show-nee), Anishinaabe (Ah-nish-nah-bay) and Neutral People, also known as Kitchener, Ontario Canada
cannot connect. is there a link?
Hola son solo en ingles las ponencias?
Hi there,
Is there a technical issue? I cant seem to access the Live Streaming 🙁
Greetings from Hobart, Tasmania (Australia).
Hi from Portugal
I had problems as well🤔
Saw the morning session.
Technical problem for this evening.
Hope it will be recorded.
Will send some loving kindness and compassion to everyone!.
Hi there, wonderful intro to the first day. There is a technical issue I would like to make you aware of: I am unable to read the captions during the speech by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Am not sure if those would be legible inside ZOOM or not. Thanks again!
Congratulations on this event and for all your generosity. With gratitude fron Buenos Aires, Argentina
WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME! So happy tis day is here!
Unable to access any of the day 1 links! Was able to watch the recording of the session with Kaira but the other links are not working.
Fabulous concept. Excellent range of speakers. Excited to be part of this.
Obrigada pela generosidade de compartilhar tão amoroso e motivante modo de ver a vida!
Tatiana. Brasil
I can’t open the next videos from day one..
How do we download?
Dr. Eve Ekman,
the interview with your father was very interesting and delightful!
Had a long day working and then planting. But I will try very hard to listen in the next few days. This is a wonderful offering. Thank you Susan.
Buenas noches,este evento estará traducido al español o subtitulado en esta lengua.Por favor,los hispanohablantes estamos muy interesados en estas tematicas y no deseamos quedar fuera de esta gran oportunidad.Muchas gracias!!!!
Buenas noches,¿este evento estará traducido al español o subtitulado en ésta lengua?.Por favor,los hispanohablantes estamos muy interesados en aprender sobre éstas tematicas y no deseamos quedar fuera de esta gran oportunidad.Muchas gracias!!!!
Thank you for giving me a chance to stay connected. I received the link but there is no volume in the welcome and I can not access any other video. Thank you for your attention.
Please let me known what time the session is today ? Iam in South Africa
Thank you
Good Morning
I got your mess.only on may 3.
I live in Germany.
So how can I get access to the teaching and at what time??
Thank you so much for being able to join this very exciting conference. Thank you to His Holyness the Dalai Lama , thanks to all these great teachers , thanks to all the wonderful people who helped to make this event possible . We are all so lucky to be here and learn together .
My name is Anuka and live in Düsseldorf/ Germany.
Really feel that this particular summit is going to give incredible gifts to those who wish to play with them…..
Have a question that i ask not only for my self but for many others in the global community…..This is regards those of us who suffer from poor mental health and loose perspective when our identities are lost during depressive episodes……The motivation to think positively goes and with it all the benefits of meditation/mindfulness practices……It’s a life long goal of mine to view from a deeply negative state that it isn’t a waste of time,but a reenergising/integrating period,which allows for the expansion to happen when the veil is lifted….Can only see this from the side of functionality……Dysfunctionality robes me of functional identity…..
Anyway ,my wish is that this summit will help as many people as possible,so they in tern can help others ,and so the process gains its own momentum and ultimately covers the whole planet……
Thank You….
So wonderful to be able to listen and to be a part of this event.
Will love every moment.
Namaste from Malaysia. Deeply grateful to be able to access this profound forum. Many of us strive for higher consciousness and for most part of the journey, it comes down to consistently vibrating in the highest order of frequencies. And there’s no better medium than emotions to channel this through.
This science and wisdom is exactly what the world needs, more so now. Ideally, this intelligence should be should be available to all citizens of the world, young and old, discussed at home, at work and in schools. Form the base of our tenets to live by. So, thank you very much for initiating this summit 🙏. Have invited everyone I know 🙂
Soulful gratitude for giving me an opportunity to attend this summit
beyond grateful for this Summitt topic. Our familyhas been struggling in a profound way since the beginning of the pandemic. My 13 year olds mental health- severe anxiety has taken over her life and she does not come out of her bedroom. No school, does not leave the house. Her anxiety turns to intense anger because she knows she is missing out and wants to leave the house but her body won’t let her. Every day in our home there are INTENSE EMOTIONS felt by all. Thank you for this opportunity 🙏
Por favor quisiera colaborar economicamente , pero necesito que las entrevistas sean subtituladas. Alguien puede orientarme sobre esto? Gracias.
Watching the recording this morning from Carbondale, Illinois, so grateful to be able to watch!
Please post the link each day otherwise we can’t connect
Iam thankful for giving me the opportunity to attend this summit.