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The Science & Wisdom of Emotions Summit Has Come to a Close

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  1. Tenzin zangmo May 5, 2021 at 9:44 am - Reply

    Oh dear.
    I’ve been listening to several clips from the first three sessions. I had so much hope that I would hear concrete scientific data supporting mental states outlined (or perhaps not outlined) in Buddhist doctrine.

    Sadly even your scientists with impressive credentials come off in these conversations as flaky rather than precise.

    Most troubling was the study linking the oxytocin high gained from making a financial donation when emotionally moved by scenes of suffering individuals. While it may very well be true that a sense of agency and generosity does give rise to the production of oxytocin
    This speaks to the Tibetan concept of “Lenpa”. In which Tibetans think that Westerners are idiots for giving money freely without checking to see how the money actually gets spent.

    They have a point.

    I would think a legitimate scientific study would look to other ways to measure how subjects might demonstrate compassion towards others.

    Instead this speaks to the broad academic practice of creating studies with no conclusive findings but requiring more funding for further studies.

    My early Buddhist ideology suggested that true happiness came from cutting ties to all worldly and thus fleeting phenomena.

    I appreciate all of us are going to be around for a while before we reach that final state of abandonment. So coming up with pleasurable practices and social interactions in the meantime has its merits. Being kind and generous and support to others is certainly worthwhile.

    However I would encourage this team in future to articulate the distinction between the core Buddhist ideology of liberation Vs this entire exploration of emotions which falls directly into the category of samsara. As Wallace borrowed from the Greeks: ”hedonism “.

    I don’t know what to make of this fabulous collection of brilliant minds to whom this basic core point made by Siddhartha Gautama seems to have eluded.

    I wish all pleasure within samsara as well as true happiness.

    • Yasmin C Holmes May 5, 2021 at 10:04 am - Reply

      I wanted to thank you for your comment. There was something troubling me and you have articulated what it is. I am very appreciative of all the offerings on this summit and the intent of all the contributors but would very much like to see more on on what you have highlighted too.

    • Losang Donyo May 6, 2021 at 4:28 am - Reply

      Why do you think His Holiness continues to say that Western psychology is only at the Kindergarten level? He’s not joking 🤣

      And he points out, I think making a similar point to what you’ve said here, that they only focus on sense consciousness or the sensory level of experience, but neglect research into the mental consciousness (experience that isn’t directly dependent on sensory stimuli).

    • Mike May 6, 2021 at 6:17 pm - Reply

      I am really intrigued by this comment but also don’t quite understand. Can you please explain this to me like I’m 5?

    • Urie Salant May 6, 2021 at 10:41 pm - Reply

      I felt that the implicit agenda of this whole enterprise was to foster a feeling of agency in all of us, to push us a bit in the direction of helping to make change in the larger world as well as in ourselves. How can we as individuals make more energetic ripples in our society? Many of the speakers were involved in work which does emanate into relationships of the workplace, school, etc.

    • Tamara May 7, 2021 at 4:19 am - Reply

      I think you just hit the nail on the head. I have watched this summit for at least 2 years. What I always come away with is that it is just a money scheme cloaked in a little bit of information to get you hooked. If it were meant to do more it would be available to view beyond 48 hours. There are things to be gleaned but nothing that invites you into the fold. I cannot claim to be a studied Buddhist, I can assert though through sheer life experience that there is more beyond what they are telling people. Western psychology is at odds with itself. I feel the reason they don’t grow beyond the feeling stage into consciousness and mindfulness is that money has no value once you’re there. Getting connected to your PFC threatens the way many support themselves. It’s time to reinvent how we live and many are scared.

    • Mimi May 7, 2021 at 4:26 am - Reply

      Thanks for your comment. I heard Matthieu speak of liberation but HHDL made the point in his early meetings with these scientists that he wanted secular society to benefit from the wisdom and research i.e ’emotional awareness’ and keeping a good heart etc etc. Maybe thats why this whole liberation susubject was left out, as thats a bridge to long to cross for ordinary folk right now. Thats my 2 pence. Hope it helps.

    • Eileen Pierce May 7, 2021 at 1:13 pm - Reply

      Thank you for your post. I could not have explained my thoughts and, yes, emotions, about this summit better. I enjoyed Christian Howard’s guided meditation, but learned zero about emotional content, felt this was purely a money raising event, with a nothing added to a conversation about the science of emotions. And speaking of emotions, I was resentful that the videos were removed, and then the father/daughter team made them available for a price. I felt they would have accomplished more with a Science & Wisdom of The Ego summit. with a science

    • Kris May 8, 2021 at 5:27 am - Reply

      I cherry pic and only listen to Eastern speakers.

    • kdn May 10, 2021 at 1:53 pm - Reply

      Yes, I think what is missing from the story is ‘eudemonic happiness’ (which is about peace, contentment, etc.). Currently, there is too much emphasis on hedonic happiness (which is a fleeting type of happiness highly dependent on circumstances).

    • Guy May 10, 2021 at 6:19 pm - Reply

      Tenzin, I respect and honor the things that you have said in your commentary, and I would like to simply state that from my perspective this summit was outstanding! I loved it so much that I sent emails asking if they could give us an extended weekend of listening which they did and now to see that they’ve will leave six of these sessions up for us to use… Wow I want to thank everyone very much who participated and presented this. Yet please know that I honor and respect what you have said.

  2. Sally Huang-Nissen May 5, 2021 at 10:54 am - Reply

    I was particularly struck by Dr. Davidson’s articulation skills and his earnestness to educate the participants!

  3. Virginia Molgaard May 5, 2021 at 1:13 pm - Reply

    I found out about this series too late to join session. How can I view the recorded series?

    • Lynette May 6, 2021 at 6:29 am - Reply

      I was in the same situation and found out that unfortunately, the recorded sessions are only available for 48 hours after the live session. So at this point you will only be able to see Day 3 & 4…

    • Kaleigh Isaacs May 6, 2021 at 9:17 am - Reply

      Hello, I’m happy to say there will be an Encore this weekend so you can watch some of the sessions you missed!

  4. Alexandra May 5, 2021 at 2:18 pm - Reply

    It said that the opening introductions on day 1 would stay available but it’s gone? Didn’t watch as thought I could come back to it?

  5. Jillian May 5, 2021 at 2:55 pm - Reply

    I have so much deep, genuine gratitude for the living wisdom of each and every one of the individuals who chose to participate and create this event. The fullness of this experience has allowed my full being to just sit smiling with all of you in wonder and awe. I am so moved at the kind-hearted striving, interest and giving that has filled this space held open for the well-being of all. Words cannot fully express the depth of my appreciation for your presence, your wisdom, your work, your offerings and the beauty and gracefulness of awareness. Hand to heart, chin to chest. I thank you.

  6. May 5, 2021 at 4:32 pm - Reply

    Good stuff. Poorly organized to navigate and find what you want… like know where is way to hear the 7p final event?

  7. Maria Belen Duarte May 5, 2021 at 6:32 pm - Reply

    I am deeply grateful for the generosity of all the speakers in sharing wisdom, love and compassion.
    May all beings be happy and free from suffering!
    Thanks !!!

  8. Paul Shippee May 5, 2021 at 8:34 pm - Reply

    I appreciated the overall intention and good will among the organizers and presenters. I felt it to be a needed cultural uplift to help people see emotions as positive and containing wisdom energies…this as opposed to the unfortunate title of the Destructive Emotions book of 20 years ago that reinforced Buddhism’s persistent view of emotions as afflictive and negative, etc.

    However, beyond that I felt a disconnect with the scientists’ academic bias of approaching emotions as an objective item to study via the standard scientific method employing distance.

    That was a serious disconnect for me because there was no acknowledgement that emotions are a subjective experience. Not only that but the truth of emotions is not only subjective but their truth and relevance is in relationships, ie interpersonal not in a laboratory.

    As you can probably tell, I am a teacher and facilitator of Nonviolent Communication (NVC). Thus, I sorely missed the lack of a competent dive into showing the deeply subjective nature of emotions in the interpersonal context.

    Maybe next time you will consider inviting me and others to represent feelings and needs as they arise and succeed in creating emotional well being in the fully alive subjective context?

    • Ravi Pradhan May 5, 2021 at 9:13 pm - Reply

      Paul Shipee, I think you are missing the point from a Buddhist perspective, there is no single concept for emotions (as in the Western view)….so Buddhism does not say all emotions are bad or destructive. And in the West, from a scientific view, it is slowly being investigated. No real consensus yet as to what is an emotions vs feeling vs cognitive phenomenon. SO, your point of view is just one view and does not, to me, represent all Western scientific views – which are just being explored more deeply.
      Ravi in Bangkok and Kathmandu

    • Heather Hill May 9, 2021 at 10:49 am - Reply

      I value your comment Paul Shippee thank you for the work you do. Survivors of trauma need to be held in a very spacious and careful way that allows us to understand, honour, our emotions. We then need to be taught how to do that for ourselves and can eventually offer this to those around us. Powerful emotional states call for our observation and then they require validation and an appropriate response. People who are healing from trauma cannot heal if they just stay in observer mode. In fact that is very dangerous, leads to further re-traumatizing and deepening states of anxiety, self-loathing, depression, substance use, suicidal ideation or actions, the whole spectrum.

      I recommend these two resources: David Treleaven (Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness) Sarah Peyton (Resonant Self).

  9. David Durlach May 5, 2021 at 10:53 pm - Reply

    Thanks very much for organizing the conference.

    When speakers combine articulated thoughtfulness with radiated warmth, compassion, and humor, it is really quite wonderful.

    [Me: Massachusetts USA. TechnoFrolics, Affectionate Technology, Motion & eMotion]

  10. Kathryn May 6, 2021 at 3:52 am - Reply

    This has been a marvelous summit and I thank all involved so much! One of the highlights for me was the dialogue between Eve Eckman and Resmaa Menaken –so many new feelings engendered. Many thanks!

    • Akua May 9, 2021 at 9:58 am - Reply

      I agree with you totally.

  11. Paula Naughton May 6, 2021 at 8:02 am - Reply

    Deep Bow of Gratitude….
    🙏Paula Ireland

  12. Minh May 6, 2021 at 10:03 am - Reply

    Thank you very much for this wonderful summit!

  13. Susana Bock May 6, 2021 at 10:03 am - Reply

    Thank you very much for your sharings. It has been marvelous listening to these speakers who teach you a lot in each sentence they pronounce.
    I am so grateful to all of you! It is so good to think profoundly about who we are, what we want and learn the tools to be more loving, caring and compassionate.
    God Bless 🙂

  14. Val May 6, 2021 at 10:45 am - Reply

    Sadly I have been unable to view all of the sessions. However I have gained an enormous amount from what I have experienced. I now understand how these ideas evolved. The final debate made me recognise the effect upon me of the professional field in which I worked. Some years ago it ceased to value anything other than very concrete skills which it monitored relentlessly. It ignored innate human qualities which I always believed were probably more important. I like to think that I brought some of those qualities to my work with very unhappy and angry people. I take away ideas for the future and a list of things to explore in this field. Thank you so very much.

  15. Nimisha Mehta May 6, 2021 at 12:01 pm - Reply

    The Summit could not have happened at a better time. Thank you everyone for a wonderful emotional journey and insights for the past 4 days. It has given me the much needed Hope! Lots of gratitude.

  16. Ariel Waisburd May 6, 2021 at 4:42 pm - Reply

    Hola amigos!
    Me parece hermoso el Summit, sin muy valiosas las charlas y las prácticas.
    Gracias por acercarnos todo esto.

    Les quisiera pedir que no quiten los vídeos, no nos da el tiempo para ver todo el material con la atención que merece.
    Gracias y saludos

  17. Kerri Warner May 6, 2021 at 6:13 pm - Reply

    Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity! I appreciate all of the work that went into putting this together, and I was very happy with the presenters. Well done!

  18. Tania May 6, 2021 at 7:33 pm - Reply

    Thank you so much for the wonderful time I had overhere. I have learned much more about emotions and meditation in these few days as never in mylife. Exactly in a very hard moment.
    I am feeling blessed now.
    Tania from Rio de Janeiro.

  19. Perla May 6, 2021 at 7:55 pm - Reply

    Muchísima gratitud por brindarnos tanta sabiduría y cariño. Que todo este compartir sea causa de bienestar para todos.

  20. Mary May 6, 2021 at 9:26 pm - Reply

    Thank you for a beautiful four days of uplifting and challenging teachings! I particularly appreciated Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s guided meditation on handling “beautiful monsters.” His reminder of accepting what is and befriending our “beautiful monsters” with no insistence for a particular outcome was like a balm. Grateful for everyone who made the summit possible!

  21. Rene Anita May 6, 2021 at 11:38 pm - Reply

    Thank you for this wonderful summit. I did not know I needed this until I started. It has given me healing, and I am grateful for all the effort you put in to put this to the world at this time where many are languishing. My husband already started using the RAIN to talk to his friends about handling emotion, which gives me joy.

  22. Elaine May 7, 2021 at 1:22 am - Reply

    I didn’t want this summit to end!! Just hearing all the marvelous presenters, moderators and His Holiness, the Dalai Lama with all the wonderful work that has been going on, re: research on emotions, mindfulness, meditation, interrelationality, interdimensionality, social justice, compassion, well-being, etc was so invigorating and energizing. Thank you to all of you and the work you do to assist the world to continue to transition into a more caring and peaceful global community. Keep the Dream alive!

  23. Anupa Roy May 7, 2021 at 2:49 am - Reply

    I thank you all for the opportunity to attend this Summit at a time when our human emotions are all so jumbled and when we most need the ability to be clear minded.

    I have been practising along these traditions and trying to understand certain depths of the mind for some time. While reading helps, this provided me with so much in a nutshell.

    As a writer and as a human much concerned about the future I periodically sink into destructive emotions, however shortly and despair for the future.

    This is going to be of enormous help for my learning and work.

  24. Lee-Anne Cox May 7, 2021 at 5:17 am - Reply

    These past 4 days have been inspiring, soul lifting and earth grounding. I am very grateful to all of those that shared their wisdom, knowledge and love. Thank you.

  25. sherry mckeon May 7, 2021 at 11:29 am - Reply

    THANK YOU and hi from Leicester in the united kingdom. my name is Sherry Mckeon MSc. i join you as an integrative psychotherapist of 30 years practice. I am a novice in the field of mindfulness and welcomed a refreshment and adding to the short introduction we were given on my course at derby university. your guidance was natural, helpful and inspiring. i am a catholic but we do use contemplation in our prayer. your lectures particularly reminded me that i had become less grounded and inspired by my wholesome emotions, especially compassion and kindness. I was glad to see integration of research and practice but what struck me most was the example set by all involved in presenting the summit of love, honour, respect, compassion and kindness you share towards each other. i feel blessed and refreshed thankyou

  26. Kathleen mo May 7, 2021 at 12:14 pm - Reply

    I thought this summit was amazing… I bought it and am happy the donation is going to people who intend to make a difference for good. Thanks to all for their time and energy.

  27. Laura May 7, 2021 at 1:29 pm - Reply

    Thank you for all the work you have done all these years and share with us at this summit to make that humanity, as a unit, can live in fullness and well-being. You inspire me to be part of that dream starting from me and towards all the people with whom I interact every day.
    Atentamente has been my gateway to this wisdom. Totally grateful!

    Greetings from Mexico

    Please leave the videos for a longer time 🙂

  28. Akanksha Choudhary May 7, 2021 at 4:34 pm - Reply

    Good morning from New Delhi, India!! I am immensely grateful to the organising committee and the entire team at Awake Network and Mind& Life Institute , the exceptional speakers and hosts for these insightful and enthralling sessions! They are of incredible worth to me as an 18 year old!! Thanks a lot 😊🙏 May God bless us all 🙏🙏

  29. Veronica May 7, 2021 at 6:42 pm - Reply

    Buen día desde Argentina. Estoy inmensamente agradecida. Me ha enriquecido mucho!!!!

  30. Sandra Engler May 7, 2021 at 7:09 pm - Reply

    The Summit 20 years ago initiated awareness of the Mind and Heart and propelled research in these areas with curriculums developed that are applied now in many educational systems. This summit now is bringing awareness to the whole of humanity as social beings and how through recognizing ourselves we can recognize others, overcome boundaries and come together to co-create and envision a world from a basis of love and compassion. Very thankful for this summit and the diverse collection of speakers and content.
    And it all started with a vision…

  31. Brian William Mills May 7, 2021 at 10:16 pm - Reply

    When can I download the four days of the Summit?
    I have already paid my $50. Thank you. Brian Mills

  32. Gauri Meslemoun May 8, 2021 at 4:34 am - Reply

    I am so deeply grateful for being able to learn from such wonderful and distinguished people. I loved the holistic approach of the human mind and emotions, from science to spiritual perspectives. I was so touched I even cried several times during some guided meditations. Thank you for spreading this wisdom throughout the world. Love and thank you again.

  33. ale May 8, 2021 at 5:12 am - Reply

    Thank u so much.. more light more luminous people in the World helps the Humanity to wake up. Blessings to all of us🌸 Grazie a tutti

  34. Corinne May 8, 2021 at 7:50 am - Reply

    I can only thank you all soooooo much!
    Have no words to describe what I learned in this 4 days.

  35. Elvira Steinle May 8, 2021 at 12:40 pm - Reply

    I would like to share with you all this important subjects. Thank you so much !!

  36. Chi Q. Nguyen May 8, 2021 at 1:07 pm - Reply

    Hello, this is Chi from Vietnam. I am so grateful to the organizers, hosts and speakers of this summit. I have learned so much and feel priviledged to have access to this wealth of knowledge.

  37. Lisa MC Guinness May 8, 2021 at 2:28 pm - Reply

    I bleve in his holiness he has gave me strength and courage to move on with my life and I am very grateful for his wisdom and knowledge and I will allways look up to him

  38. Deborah Winship May 9, 2021 at 6:04 am - Reply

    A wonderful conference. I have learned so much and I will look up some of the individuals work. Inspirational.

  39. Barbara Bulc May 9, 2021 at 8:41 am - Reply

    Extraordinary insights and learnings, thank you so much for sharing!

    I am particularly interested in understanding and practices of  «intergenerational awakening», a term proposed by Richie Davidson so critically important for our evolutionary time. I would love to collaborate on this.

  40. Joey Barbee May 9, 2021 at 4:42 pm - Reply

    Thank you, everyone. A very generous contribution to so many of us.

  41. Maria May 10, 2021 at 1:07 am - Reply

    Thank you so much for this opportunity to know more about our emotions, and how we can help ourselves and others to make our lives more meaningful. Thank you🙏🙏🙏❤

  42. Kaleigh Isaacs May 10, 2021 at 9:10 am - Reply

    Thank you to everyone for being a part of this community!

  43. Maurena May 10, 2021 at 10:41 am - Reply

    Thank you for the time and effort in putting together this summit. I was unable to get through all of the talks, but appreciate the ones I was able to listen to and being introduced to new wisdom teachers. Referring to my favorite speaker/teacher from the summit… wonderful 🙏🏼

  44. Marina Reig May 10, 2021 at 1:07 pm - Reply

    Thank you very much for your generosity in sharing this inmense work.
    I found it very enriching.
    Mi agradecimiento por compartir este trabajo enorme. Me han encantado la elegancia de las presentaciones, la sabiduría de los ponentes, el “buen rollo” entre ellos. He leído algunos mensajes de critica y si bien he pensado que es verdad que igual el vínculo ciencia emoción , podría haberse profundizado algo más, me ha sorprendido le tono del mensaje. Nadie est a obligado a verlo y el ofrecimiento gratuito de 48 horas y con prórroga me parece digno de agradecer. Enhiravuena

  45. Marina Reig May 10, 2021 at 1:08 pm - Reply

    Thank you very much for your generosity in sharing this inmense work.
    I found it very enriching.
    Mi agradecimiento por compartir este trabajo enorme. Me han encantado la elegancia de las presentaciones, la sabiduría de los ponentes, el “buen rollo” entre ellos. He leído algunos mensajes de critica y si bien he pensado que es verdad que igual el vínculo ciencia emoción , podría haberse profundizado algo más, me ha sorprendido le tono del mensaje. Nadie est a obligado a verlo y el ofrecimiento gratuito de 48 horas y con prórroga me parece digno de agradecer. Enhorabuena.

  46. Surja May 10, 2021 at 2:06 pm - Reply

    When the Buddha was asked: “What are you teaching?”, he said just suffering and the end of it. Therefore, if we stay focus on this as the goal, then everything that I experienced including this wonderful Summit sessions, are useful in understanding suffering and help end my suffering. However, if I get caught in the “means” to achieve the goal instead, then all kinds of confusion and distraction arises, which has great potential to furthering suffering.

  47. Surja May 10, 2021 at 2:13 pm - Reply

    I would like to thank everyone that have made this Summit available (and for free), I am very grateful. I understand all the idea generations, planning, logistical process, enormous energy, time, expenses, and efforts you have provided with the chance not being able to recoup the expenses. Thank you for your generosity.
    My bow of gratitude to you all and especially to Dr. E. Ekman

  48. Frank Reed May 10, 2021 at 6:07 pm - Reply

    I am dismayed at the cynical comments of some audience members. Has COVID-19 perhaps blunted perception or compassion? Was the free tuition too high? Yearning for signs of understanding and connection among this community

  49. Shri Heruka Salena May 10, 2021 at 7:09 pm - Reply

    Thanks to everyone on this summit!! I booked for one reason: Resmaa Menakem but stayed for a few others. Including BIPOC speakers, along with embodied social justice speakers, is essential for these conversations to be inclusive and effective.

  50. Annemarie May 10, 2021 at 10:41 pm - Reply

    A bow of gratitude to organisers, hosts, speakers/practitioners and those who have the means to pay and thus make it possible for those without such means to be present to this generosity. May you all be well and continue your work in the world

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