Day 1: Understanding Your Emotional Landscape
▶ Eve Ekman, PhD: Live Summit Welcome And Brief Opening Remarks From His Holiness The Dalai Lama
▶ Resmaa Menakem: "Somatic Abolitionism": Healing Structural Racism Through Embodied Practice
▶ B. Alan Wallace, PhD: Cultivating Genuine Happiness and Mental Balance
▶ Ana Teresa Fernandez: Art, Emotions, and Social Transformation
▶ Christian Howard: Guided Practice: Grounding in Our Sensory Experience
▶ Paul Ekman, PhD: Lessons From a Groundbreaking Career: An Interview with Paul Ekman
▶ Paul Ekman, PhD and Matthieu Ricard, PhD: Matthieu Ricard Interviews Paul Ekman
▶ Kaira Jewel Lingo: Holding The Moment We Are In: A Guided Practice to Work With Difficult Emotions
Day 2: Being Intelligent About Emotions
▶ Daniel Goleman, PhD: Live Welcome to Day 2: Being Intelligent About Emotions
▶ Thupten Jinpa, PhD: Practicing Compassion: The Strength of a "Trembling Heart"
▶ Modupe Akinola, PhD: Transforming Your Relationship to Stress
▶ Richard Boyatzis, PhD: Creating Lasting Personal Growth and Change
Day 3: Cultivating Emotional Well-Being
Day 4: Practices for Working with Emotions in Everyday Life
Day 1: Understanding Your Emotional Landscape
▶ Eve Ekman, PhD: Live Summit Welcome And Brief Opening Remarks From His Holiness The Dalai Lama
▶ Resmaa Menakem: "Somatic Abolitionism": Healing Structural Racism Through Embodied Practice
▶ B. Alan Wallace, PhD: Cultivating Genuine Happiness and Mental Balance
▶ Ana Teresa Fernandez: Art, Emotions, and Social Transformation
▶ Christian Howard: Guided Practice: Grounding in Our Sensory Experience
▶ Paul Ekman, PhD: Lessons From a Groundbreaking Career: An Interview with Paul Ekman
▶ Paul Ekman, PhD and Matthieu Ricard, PhD: Matthieu Ricard Interviews Paul Ekman
▶ Kaira Jewel Lingo: Holding The Moment We Are In: A Guided Practice to Work With Difficult Emotions
Day 2: Being Intelligent About Emotions
▶ Daniel Goleman, PhD: Live Welcome to Day 2: Being Intelligent About Emotions
▶ Thupten Jinpa, PhD: Practicing Compassion: The Strength of a "Trembling Heart"
▶ Modupe Akinola, PhD: Transforming Your Relationship to Stress
▶ Richard Boyatzis, PhD: Creating Lasting Personal Growth and Change
Day 3: Cultivating Emotional Well-Being
Day 4: Practices for Working with Emotions in Everyday Life
Watch the Day 4 Live Welcome Session with Shankari Goldstein
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Shankari Goldstein
Live Welcome to Day 4: Practices to Work with Emotions in Everyday Life

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Thank you for this inspiring time spent learning with a truly global community! Keep asking myself how I got so lucky to be a part of these wonderful days! This was just too cool.
Greetings and gratitude from Richmond London.
Gratitude for all of the effort in organising this summit, respect for the humility of all the scientists and speakers who model the tenets of this teaching, and excitement for a future that could be possible. In particular the comment by His Holiness calling for the world to de-militarise.
“WE” – Wellness.
“I” – Stillness.
May I be so bold as to add,
“US” – Trust.
Thank You.
Catherine Browne, Toronto.
Indicaron que habría traducción al español, gracias.
Thank you for your beautiful words. Peace to you!
Beautiful! Thank you!
Beautiful Thank you!
Thank you Shankari. May I add…
WE – Wellness, I – Stillness, and US – Trust.
Catherine 🙂
Grateful to all of you for tuning in and receiving the offering. Sending blessings to you all!
Thank you for your patience with.
Each day is a revelation of great insight, and super presenters. Thank you.
I feel deeply grateful for these meaningful encounters.
Kindest regards,
Patience. Persistence. Perseverance.
Whoa. I kinda can’t form words. And my dog just nosed me for dinner. 😊 A deep bow to you. 🙏❤️💫🌏
Beautiful thank you indeed
I am absolutely grateful, that I Van participate in this meeting. Love to you all from Vienna
Loved this summith thanks!!!
Thank you for providing this forum for us to reflect on being here.
From Nova Scotia, Canada
this is so important and so timely, a “way of being” presented so clearly.
i feel as i have been waiting for this new paradime, struggling to articulate it, and here it is – complete with practices for realizing it here and now!
i am so greatful and excited and hopeful
thank you all so much!
i am orit from israel
Iam Sara from Tucson– landof the Tohono O’Odham and earlier the GuGuKam– purchased from Mexico with the Gadsen Purchase. Who is Next? It is still the land of the Tohono O’Odham and the Yaquis (Yoeme) now live here and live here lightly on the land.
I appreciate all and all of what and who we are as human. We seem to have a hard time making life easier for others–us humans! What you offer if very positive and hopeful. In Gratitude to All who are listening.
thank you for this beautiful practice; I didn’t get the name who wrote the words, of was this from Shankari?
I believe it was Ram Dass.
Most of my comments written with much care here were simply not post – this comment system powered by wordpress/gravatar is broken.
How blessed we are.
Pauline U.K.
Beautiful introduction, my friend! So good to see you here!
Om Shanti, Laurie
I feel so blessed now with everything that is. I appreciate it. Thank you so much.
Gratitude yours always to everyone involved that made this summit possible globally generously.
Metta to all beings
Joined palms
Would love to join the team at the institute indeed.
We and I ….. collaboration. Totally in awe .
It’s only Gratitude and nothing else. From Mumbai . India
Shankari Goldstein is just wonderful! I have enjoyed the sessions that I have been able to attend so far;
Mingyur Rinpoche ‘Guided Practice: The 4 Pillars of Well-being’
Jon Kabat-Zinn ‘Live Guided Practice and Q & A
I wish I could have attended a few others.
Greetings from Melbourne Australia..
Gratitude to all involved that made this summit possible globally generously. Dedicated hearts like your, are not easy to find.
May you feel the gratitude in my heart.
Metta to all beings
I am so touched with your message and the offers and gems that are in all of your speeches I am crying… that’s the message we all need. We are interconnected, we are part of nature and compassion, Love and peace is in our nature. Thank you so much.
Thank you Shankari Goldstein. This is so inspiring. Everything is truly a manifestation of love. Love from India.
Thank you for this inspiring meditation relating to nature ,that we are a manifestation of God just as all nature is. Iris Ilona Lieber from Boston
For those asking the ending meditation composition was from Ram Dass – Nature from East Forest Album.
thank you Shankari
That was beautiful!! Such positive vibes. Thank you Shankari.
Thank you Shankari for sharing and the beauty and energy shared with us all. From Annandale, Virginia USA
Thank you for such a beautifully integrated understanding and for being present in the moment with Internet challenges turning towards these with grace and kindness, reminding us how we are interdependent and learning from you in many ways. Let’s support Kamala Harris in her work to make fast effective changes in America so we all may enjoy quality and dependable Internet access.
Thank you for such a beautifully integrated understanding and for being present in the moment with Internet challenges turning towards these with grace and kindness, reminding us how we are interdependent and learning from you in many ways. Let’s support Kamala Harris in her work to make fast effective changes in America so we all may enjoy quality and dependable Internet access and find constructive ways to make this true everywhere on the planet where it is helpful.
love your words, your wisdom and your clarity. Thank you so much
Thank you so much, Shankari
Hi, I am so happy to be part of this incredible event, I learned too many things!
I am from Mexico, I had been since 2006 working in my own spiritual path, but it was on 2018 when I took one of the best decision in my life: study my Master Degree on Positive Leadership and discover this fantastic world!
I will be glad to collaborate with this great community in research topics or if someone can help me in how I could have access to the network where I can learn more and write about this topics!
I can’t express how grateful I am for sharing this free. I would not been able to fund this. I appreciate all I’ve learned. This has leaded me to be understanding of others. I hope they start teaching this in our schools. Thank you!
I’m feel blessed to watch all these masters and continue to a inner and social improvement.
best aspirations and lifelong to all
From Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
So much wisdom, so much compassion, incredible precious teachings! I am filled with gratitude.
Big THANKS from Switzerland.
No sound here neither..
Thanks a lot
Thanks for your words
Thanks so much for the inspiration and reawakening of our connections with each other and with nature around us.
Deeply thank you for your words
Thanks you for the gift of so much wisdom spiritual insight and opportunities to practice spiritual meditation . You contributed real opportunity for healing at a time of special stress and enforced isolation.