Modupe Akinola, PhD
Transforming Your Relationship to Stress
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What You'll Learn
Understand the physiology and psychology of stress, and learn how changing your stress mindset can optimize your performance in challenging situations
Explore how introspection and “tuning into yourself” can help you connect with your outer and inner resources and increase your empathy for others
Explore powerful research which shows that women in professional leadership positions are less likely to delegate than men, and how reframing women’s relational stress triggers can help shift this pattern
Hear Modupe’s personal story about how she became interested in stress research as a result of her experience as a woman and a person of color
About Modupe Akinola, PhD
Modupe Akinola examines how organizational environments—with the pressures of deadlines and multitasking—can lead to stress, and how this stress can spill over to affect performance. She studies why some people thrive under stress while others buckle, looking at how we react psychologically and physiologically to stressful situations and how these responses can affect outcomes like negotiations and creativity. She also studies workforce diversity, including the biases that affect the recruitment and retention of people of color and women in organizations.
To learn more about her work you can visit her website and listen to her TED Business podcast.
About Daniel Goleman, PhD
Daniel Goleman is an internationally known psychologist and science journalist. His 1995 book, Emotional Intelligence was a bestseller and has been translated into more than 40 languages. His most recent book, Altered Traits, was co-authored with Richard Davidson and reviews the best meditation research. Dan has also organized a series of intensive conversations between the Dalai Lama and scientists, which resulted in the books Healing Emotions, Destructive Emotions, and Ecology, Ethics, and Interdependence. For the Dalai Lama’s 80th birthday Dan wrote A Force for Good: The Dalai Lama’s Vision for our World. He is a former board member and a Founding Steward of the Mind & Life Institute.
You can learn more about Dr. Goleman's work on his website.
Hello, the sound is not working for me–it is for the other videos. Looking for some advice.
Thank you!
Thank you Tricia, I tested the video and the sound is working well from this side. You may want to try refreshing the page.
Just listened. Very useful as well as interesting.
No sound.
I am curious if they are ever going to have speakers i.e. men who are affected by cancel culture and the forced representation quotas that force men, especially white men, out of the work place and Asians.
I wonder what this comment (that sounds racist to me and has gone unchallenged by organisers) has to do with this talk on managing stress!
It’s interesting for me that this talk obviously triggers in you the thoughts you wrote in the comment. I’m just asking myself which emotions support thoughts like this. Maybe you have an answer?
I just loved it!!! Many notes 😃 Stress can be one of our beautiful monsters.
The sound is low on all of the videos. Bar is full right and my computer sound is full on. I don’t have this problem with other webinars or zooms.
I really got fascinated about the presentation! Congratulations!
Nice to hear, that stress also can be my friend. Thank you very much
Excellent presentation with provoking content. I am an elderly man who seems to have lost the ability to manage stress as well as I used to be able to. Identifying good stress from bad stress seems to be the first step in successful management. Each type needs different reactions on my part. The more information I am finding now is gradually giving me a increased effective technic to bring it back under control. Thank you both for your inputs into this video.
Thank you so much.
Lots of interesting explanations.
In a way, a permission and encouragement to engage with stress and use it as a resource and challenge.
It also occurs to me that there might be a need to explore,whether it in fact always actually my own stress, or whether there may be others dumping their stress or imposing values on me ,that make me feel stressed unnecessarily.
And conversely ,if I am able to evaluate my own stress, I am less likely to stress others out around me, because I can own it and have a working relationship with it.
Thanks for very much.
What a powerful statement.
Useful and interesting. Tq so much. Metta.
Thank you. I just caught up with this and I really appreciated Modupe’s explanations and insights. They were very clear and easy to relate to. I especially like the way she spoke about women and delegation. Will be listening to you more Modupe!
Thank you for this very interesting conversation on ways to handle stress. Several tips to create self – awareness and self – regulation will surely come handy. Loved the energy and vibes you brought to the conversation Modupe . Shine on !!
No sound, it’s a pity
Excellent! So helpful! Thank you!
left side audio is working, maybe try changing output settings
Modupe Akinola, thank you very well put up. Stress management bugs me at times, makes me panic and my heart pounds. My take away is analysis of the suitation and change your mindset.
Vipassana!! so great
What a wonderful insightful interview. I really appreciated Modupe Akinola’s research and personal journey on reframing and responding to stress. I also value hearing her insights on gender and racism…welcome to hear more. Warm thanks.
I have been enjoying this presentation a lot. There is a professional chemistry going on I also really like, makes it even richer. Thank you so much.
from Alaska
Reframing stress… so helpful to hear, and such warm personalities delivering the message. Thank you!
How strange I could hear this earlier but now there is no sound! I have refreshed but it’s not working.
OMG love it! thank you!
Thank you so much for this talk! For me, it’s very brave also to talk about stress from a social perspective where systematic injustice is a part of the present life. Thank you so much, Modupe Akinula
It is well explained, and it depends also of our thoughts if we think that something is stressful, that for others if is not, it depends of our mindset. Thank you.
Gracias me pareció muy interesante la propuesta de reevaluar considerando como utilizaste tus recursos en las experiencias pasadas, incluso preguntar a tus allegados y con ello cambiar de perspectiva, siendo más optimista y teniendo buenos resultados. Desde Tijuana México
Hello and big thank you for everyone
Deepest appreciation for the organizers and speakers from UT Lhadakh India